Professor Jiaqi Ma is an Associate Professor at the UCLA Samueli School of Engineering and Associate Director of UCLA Institute of Transportation Studies. Prior to that, he was Assistant/Associate Professor and Academic Director of the University of Cincinnati Advanced Transportation Collaborative, Project Manager and Research Scientist with Leidos working at the Federal Highway Administration Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center, and a contractor researcher at the Virginia Transportation Research Council of the Virginia Department of Transportation (DOT). He has led and managed many research projects worth of a total value of more than $20 million funded by U.S. DOT, NSF, state DOTs, and other federal/state/local programs covering areas of smart transportation systems, such as vehicle-highway automation, Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), connected vehicles, shared mobility, and large-scale smart system modeling and simulation, and artificial intelligence and advanced computing applications in transportation. He is Editor in Chief of the IEEE Open Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, and Associate Editor of Nature Scientific Reports, Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, and ASCE Open. He is Member of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) Standing Committee on Vehicle-Highway Automation, Member of TRB Standing Committee on Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Computing Applications, Member of American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Connected & Autonomous Vehicles Impacts Committee, publication board member of IEEE ITS Society, Co-Chair of the IEEE ITS Society Technical Committee on Smart Mobility and Transportation 5.0.
- Ph.D. Transportation Engineering. University of Virginia, 2014
Dissertation: New En-route Traveler Information Connecting Vehicles and Infrastructure: Prototype, Human Factors, and Information Strategies for Traffic Management - M.S. Transportation Engineering. University of Virginia, 2013
Thesis: Integration of Travel Demand Models with Operational Analysis Tools - M.S. Highway & Railway Engineering. Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing, China, 2010
Thesis: Dynamic Travel Choice Modeling in Urban Rail Transit Networks - B.S. Civil Engineering. Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing, China, 2008
Thesis: Performance Evaluation of Vibration Reduction Track Systems of High-Speed Rails
Work Experience
Associate Professor, UCLA Samueli School of Engineering
Associate Director, UCLA Institute of Transportation Studies
Program Lead, New Mobility Program, UCLA Institute of Transportation Studies
University of California, Los Angeles, CA
07/2020 – Present
- Research + Teaching + Service
- Research interests: cooperative driving automation; cyber-physical systems; cooperative control of distributed multi-agent systems; intelligent transportation systems; dynamic transportation systems modeling and control; network optimization; travel behavior modeling and demand forecasting; artificial intelligence and advanced computing applications in transportation.
Adjunct Professor, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
07/2020 – Present
Academic Director, Greater Cincinnati Advanced Transportation Collaborative, UC Office of Research, OH
01/2019 – 06/2020
Assistant Professor/Associate Professor, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
08/2017 – 06/2020
- Research + Teaching + Service
Transportation Research Scientist, Leidos, Inc/Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center, McLean, VA
05/2014 – 08/2017
- Served as PI, Task Manager, and major technical staff for multiple USDOT research projects
- Conducted research projects on Speed Harmonization, Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control (CACC), Bottlenecks Identification and Reduction and Multi-Modal Intelligent Traffic Signal Systems (MMITSS) by USDOT
Graduate Research Assistant, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA
08/2011 – 06/2013
- Conducted research projects sponsored on Intelligent Transportation Systems by the Virginia Department of Transportation, and Connected Vehicle Infrastructure University Transportation Center
Graduate Teaching Assistant, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA
01/2012 – 05/2012
- Taught courses and term project of CE3400 Transportation Facility Design
Research Assistant (Contractor), Virginia Center for Transportation Innovation and Research, Charlottesville, VA
08/2011 – 08/2013
- Conducted research project sponsored by the Virginia Department of Transportation, on transportation systems planning and planning for operations
Research and Teaching Assistant, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing, China
07/2010 – 07/2011
- Conducted research on planning and operations of multi-modal transportation systems, focusing on urban rail transit
- Taught undergraduate courses: Railway Line Location and Transportation Network Planning
Intern, China Metro Engineering Consulting Corporation, Beijing, China
02/2009 – 06/2009
- Post Evaluation of Beijing Urban Rail Transit Line 5
Freelance Conference Interpreter, Beijing, China
2008 – 2011
- Conference interpreting (Chinese-English, both directions) on multiple areas, including engineering, economics, agriculture, arts, and science.
Honors and Awards
- Transportation and Air Quality (ADC20) Committee Best Paper, Transportation Research Board, 2018
- The Leidos Technical Fellows Community 2017 Publication Award, Winner (Mathematics & Statistics; Engineering), 2017
- Finalists for Leidos Achievement Awards in Innovations in Science and Technology, 2017
- The Leidos Technical Fellows Community 2016 Publication Award, Winner (Engineering), 2016
- Best Research Poster, Automated Vehicle Symposium 2015, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 2015
- UVERS 2013 Finalist (The Ninth Annual University of Virginia Engineering Research Symposium), 2013
- IET PATW China, First Prize (Present Around the World, the Institute of Engineering and Technology), 2011
- Best Paper Award, International Conference on Railway Engineering, Beijing, China, 2010
- Excellent Master’s Thesis, Department of Civil Engineering, Beijing Jiaotong University, 2010
- Best Undergraduate Student, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing, China, 2008
- Member, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Connected & Autonomous Vehicles Impacts Committee (2020 – present)
- Member, Transportation Research Board Standing Committee on Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Computing Applications (2020 – present)
- Associate Editor, IEEE Open Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems (2019 – Present)
- Member, Federal Highway Administration CARMA Collaborative (2019 – Present)
- International Program Committee Member (and Associate Editor), The 2020 Forum on Integrated and Sustainable Transportation Systems (Forum ISTS 2020)
- Associate Editor, The IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (IEEE ITSC 2018, 2019, 2020)
- Working Group Leader, Data, Analytics, and Security, DriveOhio / Ohio Department of Transportation (2018 – present)
- Co-Chair, IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society Technical Committee on Smart Mobility and Transportation 5.0 (2017 – present)
- Committee Communications Coordinator, Transportation Research Board Standing Committee on Vehicle-Highway Automation (2016 – present)
- Member, Transportation Research Board Standing Committee on Vehicle-Highway Automation (2016 – present)
- Member, American Society of Civil Engineers (2012 – present)
- Member, Transportation Research Board Subcommittee on Travel Time Speed and Reliability (2015 – present)
- Full Member, Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society (2015 – present)
- Member, ITS Midwest
Reviewer for the following journals and conferences (2009-present):
- Transportation Science
- Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board
- Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice
- Transportation Research Part B: Methodological
- Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies
- IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles
- IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems
- IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine
- ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering
- Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition) (JTTE)
- Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering
- Scientia Iranica Journal
- Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems
- Urban Rail Transit
- Plos One
- Transportation Letters
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